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​Sponsor Shows & Programs

You can make a big difference in our community!

ECA Snapshots 2021 - 2024_edited.jpg
ECA Snapshots 2021 - 2024_edited.jpg

Why become a Sponsor at ECA?


After years of social isolation, our teens are struggling with mental health issues at alarming rates. Hospitalizations for self-harm are at an all-time high, while academic achievement has plummeted. Things have been difficult for everyone, but the pandemic has been especially tough on our kids.

As a mother of four teenagers, I’ve seen firsthand the pain and worry families feel as they see the social and emotional needs of their kids going unmet. Our teens need to spend time with other youth. Kids need to experience the thrill of setting challenging goals and achieving them. And many of our neighbors desperately need opportunities and encouragement!

Enoch City Arts offers priceless opportunities for teens and adults alike. At Enoch City Arts people can take drama classes, try out for a play, learn to sing, play the piano, learn ukulele, or just enjoy the beautiful studio atmosphere.  

Since opening in August 2021, Enoch City Arts has already touched thousands of lives.  Here are a few of the amazing things happening in our building: Local teens and adults have shined in our live theatre productions of Pride & Prejudice, Robin Hood, Screwtape Proposes a Toast, Christmas at Pemberley, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, Narnia: the Musical, Cyrano de Bergerac, The Skin of Our Teeth, An Ideal Husband, The End of the Young Family Feud, The Space Pirates of Penzance, and A Man For All Seasons.  Audiences have been uplifted by these heart-warming shows, countless friendships have been cultivated, and talents have grown.   

Beloved local arts organizations are finding welcoming rehearsal space in our building.  The Changing Scene Theatre Northwest and Central Stage Theatre of County Kitsap (CSTOCK) are just two of the fantastic groups who have developed projects at Enoch City Arts.  

Children, teens & adults are thriving in our exciting Acting Classes!  Many of our students have gone on to audition and get cast in community theatre productions throughout the Kitsap area.

Monday nights are reserved for our wildly popular Tabletop Game Night -- which is the favorite night of the week for the many teenagers who participate.

What People are Saying:  

“This experience has meant so much to me!  Before this show started I didn't have any friends.  And now I have made friendships that will hopefully last a lifetime!  I truly love everyone in this cast, and am so happy that I was able to have this experience.  Thank you so much to everyone!”   -A. W. (age 13)

We need YOU. 

We can’t do it without YOU!  As a nonprofit, Enoch City Arts depends on generous people in our community to keep the doors open for our teens – generous people just like you!  You can make a life-changing difference for local teens by giving today. You can give a gift of performing arts experiences that will help kids to thrive and build a brighter future. Will you please make a gift to Enoch City Arts today?

Give today and we’ll keep you informed about what’s happening at the studio! You’ll hear about play rehearsals, student recitals, all-ages classes, community events and more! Wonderful things are ahead, and we want YOU to be part of it all. Please give today!


Ann Bonner

Artistic Director

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